Onsite paperwork can be digitalized by creating Service reports which can be filled out by the technicians onsite via the mobile web app and viewed in the office in real time. The answers that the technicians enter are stored in the database so the report can be generated and emailed at any time. This reduces the time it takes to collect paperwork from the technicians and the possibility of misplacing paperwork.
Service reports templates can be created within the admin section under Service reports and use the word template under Field service report. Digitalizing existing templates can be complicated to create so we can digitalize an existing report for you for fee.
Creating the Service Report
To create a Service reports yourself, following these steps:
- Click “Admin” from main menu.
- Click “Service Reports" under the "Service Settings" heading.
- At the bottom of the screen under “New Service Report”, enter the service report name and select the template called “service_report.xml” or if you have a custom template already created select that.
- Click “Add”.
When the report is generated there are two modes, one where it will list all questions you ask the tech running down the page with the questions on the left hand side and the answers on the right hand side. This is the standard service report and is used by selecting the “service_report.xml” template. The other mode is a customer template where each answer and questions can be positions in a different layout and this is a custom template.
Adding Questions
- To add the first question, click “Edit” next to the service report you want to add the question in.
- At the bottom of the screen under the heading “New Question” enter in the question in the question field.
- Tick “Required” if the technician must answer this question or if it is optional untick it.
- Select the type of answer you want the technician to give. There are currently 9 question types:
Pass Fail NA (PFNA)
True False
Yes No
Tick Box
Multiple Choice (MC)
Photo Large
For Tick Box and Multiple Choice (MC) you can select what options are available. With Multiple Choice only one option can be selected and with Tick Boxes multiple options can be selected at once.
- Click “Add”.
- Repeat this until all questions you need on the report are entered in.
Now that the service report has been created it should be connected to a service so every time a service is added to a job the new service report can be completed by the technician. Click here to see how.
Updated: 16 September 2020