Search Customers

Welcome to Nexus Step-by-Step Training where we'll guide you through the steps of searching your customer data base.

1. There are two main ways to find an existing customer.

The first is using the Quick Search Tool at the top of the screen and the second is to use the Customers search icon in the main menu.

2. First let's try the quickest option - Quick Search.

Located at the top of every screen is text box and a drop-down menu. These used together make up the Quick Search tool.

3. Type in a keyword you are searching for.

In this example, we will search Last Name. Type the Customers Last Name into the Search Bar.

4. Select from the drop-down box the field you wish to search.

In this example I've selected Last Name.

5. Click the Search button.

6. If only one customer is found using the criteria, you searched for then the customers details are opened straight away.

On the other hand, if more than one customer is found, all of the matching customers will be displayed.

7. When a search returns more than one customer the results will be placed into a table for you to browse and selected the customer you are after.

Pages hold limited records, and you can move through pages using the Next and Previous buttons.

8. By default, the search results are sorted by is Customer ID so the newest is at the top.

You can change the sort order by clicking on one of the column headers that have an arrow next to it.

9. Let's try for a more specific result by utilising more than one search field.

When more than one customer is found, the Customer Search page has automatically been opened. You can also get here by using the Customers Search icon on the main menu.

10. To narrow down my search, I'm adding part of a Suburb name into the Suburb field.

11. Click on Search.

12. In this example, only one customer is found using both Last Name and Suburb.

The customers details are opened straight away.

13. In another example, let's search for a unique Job ID or Invoice Number.

I'm again using the Quick Search Tool at the top of the screen. Type the unique code, Select the corresponding drop-down field you wish to search and click the Search Icon.

14. In the case of a unique ID, the customer and Job or Invoice tab will be directly opened.

15. Let's do one more example of the Main Customer Search.

Click on the Customers icon on the main menu.

16. This will bring up the Customer Search page.

A feature to note is that you can filter Active Customers, Inactive Customers or All Customers.

17. You can also ensure that when you're searching for an address, that the system is searching through Properties instead of just Contacts.

If an address isn't listed as the Contact Main Property Address, you may not find a result when searching under Contacts.

18. In this example, let's try a Telephone number.

Type some of the numbers into the Telephone field.

19. Click on Search.

20. Search results will show either in a table or open directly if the numbers are unique to a customer.

Note: Search results of Telephone numbers that were entered using spaces are still found using this function.

# We hope you found this step-by-step useful! If you want to learn more about Nexus, check out our other training guides and videos. Happy learning!

Updated: 9 January 2020

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Nexus Service Manager is developed by Nexus Digital Technology PTY LTD.