How to invoice multiple visits on one invoice

Welcome to Nexus Step-by-Step Training where we'll guide you through how to invoice multiple visits on One Invoice. There are two main ways to do this. Please remember you can not invoice multiple jobs to one invoice, only visits.

1. Click on Customers from the main menu on the left-hand side.

2. Search for your customer. In this example I've used the customers full name.

3. Click on Search.

As there is only one customer with those search parameters, the system will automatically open the screen to that customer.

4. Find the job under the customers Jobs tab. Click Open.

5. As this job had multiple visits these are all listed here instead of opening directly into an individual job.

6. Tick the selected visit that you want to include within the invoice using the check boxes or if you want to invoice all visits, click Select All.

7. Click on Invoice.

8. Now you can click on Save & Email.

9. If you're happy with the email and the invoice, click on Send.

10. Another method to create a multiple visit invoice is to find the job under the customers Jobs tab. Click Open.

11. When you hover over "Open" on one visit, the drop-down menu will appear. Click on Invoice.

12. Now the invoice is open, you can select Invoice Visits on the right-hand side.

13. Click on the tick to include the visit on the invoice or alternatively click on the cross to remove from the invoice.

14. Click on Update.

# We hope you found this step-by-step useful! If you want to learn more about Nexus, check out our other training guides and videos. Happy learning!

Updated: 9 January 2020

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