This function allows you to efficiently import customer requests into Nexus Service Manager by uploading a CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can find this function within the Customer Requests Report.

File Requirements:

  • Format: Comma-separated values (CSV) file
  • Header Row: Skipped (first row is ignored)
  • Required Fields (in order):
    • request_type: ID number corresponding to the Job Type (found in Admin > Job Types)
    • customer_id: Existing customer ID number
    • property_id: Existing property ID number
    • date_submitted: Date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM (e.g., 17/06/2024 12:01)
    • date_responded: Date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM (use 01/01/2000 01:00 if no response date)
    • request_status: ID number corresponding to the request status:
      • 1: Submitted
      • 2: Responded
      • 3: Completed
      • 4: Approved
      • 5: Rejected
      • 6: Quoted
    • quote_number: Free text, maximum 50 characters
    • purchase_order_number: Free text, maximum 50 characters
    • details: Free text, maximum 1 GB

Example CSV File:

An example CSV file demonstrating the correct format can be downloaded here:

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure all ID numbers (request_type, customer_id, property_id, request_status) correspond to existing entries within Nexus Service Manager.
  • Double-check dates for accuracy and consistency with the specified format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).

Next Steps:

  1. Prepare your CSV file following the outlined requirements and format.
  2. Access the Customer Requests Report within Nexus Service Manager.
  3. Locate the "Import Customer Requests" function and upload your prepared CSV file.
  4. Review the imported data for any errors or inconsistencies.

By following these steps, you can efficiently import customer requests into Nexus Service Manager.

Updated: 17 December 2024

Support telephone: 02 9521 4052

Nexus Service Manager is developed by Nexus Digital Technology PTY LTD.