Property Alert

The Property Alert tab is a convenient feature that allows you to store important information specific to a property. This information can be anything relevant to the site, such as access gate pin codes, preferred service hours, or any other details that would be helpful to technicians in the field.

Adding Property Alerts

Property alerts can be entered directly on the Edit Property screen for each individual property. Once saved, these details will be displayed in various locations within the Nexus system:

  • Mobile App: Property alerts will be readily accessible to technicians on the mobile app, providing them with vital information at the job site.
  • New and Edit Job Screens: Property alerts will also be conveniently displayed on both the new job and edit job screens within Nexus, positioned just above the save button for quick reference.

Enabling Property Alerts in the Mobile App and Job Screens

To ensure property alerts are visible within the mobile app and job screens, navigate to the following settings:

  1. Admin
  2. Advanced Settings
  3. Mobile Settings

Within Mobile Settings, locate and enable the setting labeled "Display Property Alerts".

Default value: On
Name: Mobile_Property_Alerts

Updated: 19 April 2024

Support telephone: 02 9521 4052

Nexus Service Manager is developed by Nexus Digital Technology PTY LTD.