Welcome to Nexus Step-by-Step Training where we'll guide you through how to create a new quote, including generating and emailing a quote for customer online approval.
1. To begin you need to find the customer you want to quote.
2. After you locate the customer, click on Open.
3. Click on the Quotes tab.
4. Select New Quote.
5. Ensure the correct Visit Property is selected and enter any known "Order Number" and "Ordered By" details.
6. The Quote Type, Category & Service need to be selected using the drop-down options.
In this example I'm preparing a repairs quote, so I select Quote Type: Repair.
7. Now you can choose the Category.
8. Then the Service using the drop-down options.
9. Adjust any details about the service, such as Allocated Time for the job or warranty / renewal periods as needed.
Use the drop-down options to change the Allocated Time.
10. You can over-ride the pre-filled price or you can select a pre-set amount in the drop-down that appears when you hover over the Price.
11. After all quote details have been entered, click on Add Service.
12. Type any Quote Notes in the text box field at the bottom of the screen that the Customer will see.
You can toggle the tabs to add Office Notes if needed. These will not show on the quote to the customer.
13. If there are parts needed and you have the Stock Management module, click on the Parts tab and add details here.
This is only available to customers with the Stock Management Module activated.
14. Click on Save & Generate Quote with the PDF icon above.
Please note there is a Word or PDF option. Both will automatically be saved in Customer Files, however only the PDF generated quote will show on the online approval link.
15. If you have generated a word quote in error, click on the Quotes tab.
16. Click on Open.
17. Now you can Generate the PDF version.
18. Now that you have a PDF Quote to send, click on the Quotes tab.
19. Click on Open.
20. Click on Email.
21. You can check that the Quote can been seen by the customer by clicking on the "Accept Quote Online" link.
22. Here you can see what the quote your customer will receive looks like.
23. The online approval system means they customers can easily open, view, agree to terms and Accept Quote.
24. The online approval system will automatically update the quote status to Approved in Nexus and email the office that the quote has been approved.
25. The last step is to open and accept this quote which will automatically turn it into a job to be scheduled.
Select Accepted and then press Save.
# We hope you found this step-by-step useful! If you want to learn more about Nexus, check out our other training guides and videos. Happy learning!
Updated: 9 January 2020